1st class FREE
A 10 minute introductory video explaining the patented, physio therapy technology and how to use it
A combination of healing technologies equivalent to med beds:
Featuring Terahertz, scalar, optical quartz, blue infrared light and thermotherapy with a penetration range of eight to twelve inches, through tissue, to the bone marrow where the frequency awakens dormant stem cells to migrate to various tissues.
This technology can repair damage caused by radiation used in the medical profession. It works on cellular membrane by rapidly transferring energy into the cells in exchange for waste, offering the same benefits of intermittent hypoxia in a breathing practice.
Activating inert cells, unclogging capillaries (de-coagulates blood), increases blood and lymph flow and regulates metabolism and endocrine glands.
Improving cell to cell communication by aligning cell polarity, it resolves inflammatory issues, including but not limited to arthritis, rhinitis, gastritis, pharyngitis, and gynaecological inflammation. Quickly reduces aches and pains, sciatica, headache, menstrual pain and enhances natural weight loss. By stimulating collogen in the skin, it treats antiaging, removes acne and acne scars.
The technology is not new, but no country other than China has been allowed to manufacture it.
Classic wand (red) including P+P
Rent the classic wand for 7 days
(Rental fee will be refunded should you choose to invest in your own wand)
Treatments include a glass of structured, reverse osmosis water. Bring a thermal flask to take some home
For at least 4 hours after the treatment, it is advised to avoid cold drinks and food, have a bath/shower or sit in an air conditioning room to maximise the effect on the meridians
The terahertz spectrum generates one trillion cycles per second and is an electromatic match to our cells (2-17 THz), thus penetrates tissues with ease. Activating healthy & dormant cells, while eliminating unhealthy cells & free radicals. . Affecting all glands, organs, biological, physiological, and neurological systems.
Tumour breakdown:
Terahertz waves vibrate at the same frequency as normal body cells. When terahertz waves penetrate body tissues, they pass through healthy cells at constant temperature, however, they cause unhealthy cells to vibrate faster which raises their cellular temperature so high that they are destroyed.
Terahertz frequency disrupts proteins in living cells without killing them, producing natural apoptosis (mutated cell death), proteolytic enzymes and autophagy (self cleaning).
THz radiation is non-ionizing. Meaning radiation that does not have enough energy to remove an electron from an atom and turn it into an ion.
Scalar energy balances and strengthens bodily systems, produces healing energy, and penetrates deeper into the vital organs.
Undergoing several sessions of scalar therapy will result in stronger chemical bonds within your DNA, helping resist and repair damage. Scalar waves operate at a frequency range that aligns with the Schumann Resonances (the heartbeat of our planet). Allowing you to discharge harmful EMFs into the ground.
The quarts crystal embedded in the Wand combines optical quartz and a crystal tube which amplifies the energy delivered, equivalent to 2.5% of the sun’s ultraviolet intensity. This combination is energizing and expands the auric field
Blue near-infrared light therapy is the common frequency of light waves used to treat sun-damaged skin, including skin cancer growths. It is powerfully regenerative. Many use it as a preventative treatment against sun damage. Dermatologists use blue light therapy to treat acne. Hepatologists use it to treat reduced liver function and is gentle enough to treat jaundice in babies.
A growing body of research shows that structured water has a measurable impact on your system.
"I’m mentally sharper, I have more energy, my skin is more taut and I feel more hydrated" Dave Asprey
Structured water is still H20—that’s two hydrogen atoms and an oxygen atom—but the atoms are arranged in a slightly different configuration that allows them to carry a charge. As a result, structured water is viscous like honey, somewhere between liquid and solid. Because structured water carries a charge, it can deliver electromagnetic energy to your mitochondria. Your cells already contain structured water; it’s one of the ways they maintain energy production and communicate with one another. Drinking structured water brings that energy in from an external source and delivers it straight to your mitochondria. Structured water also decreases stress and slows down aging, especially in your brain.
Normal water is a neutral molecule—it doesn’t carry a positive or negative charge. Structured water, however, carries a negative charge. Because of the way they’re organized in space, structured water molecules carry free electrons. They also donate these electrons to your mitochondria, helping them generate more energy. Drinking structured water increases your mitochondrial energy output, which makes cells across your whole body more efficient. You’ll feel better and focus more, and you won’t get tired as quickly.
Structured water also acts like an antioxidant, protecting you from cellular stress. When your body is under stress, it releases free radicals—unstable molecules with unpaired electrons that bounce around your body, stealing electrons from other, stable molecules and damaging them in the process. This process, called oxidative stress, is one of the main drivers of aging. Structured water molecules can donate an electron to free radicals, neutralizing them before they can damage your healthy cells. The result is less oxidative stress on your system—which keeps you young at a biological level. A 2021 study found that drinking structured water for three months decreased people’s biological age by up to 12 years—that is, their cells functioned as if they were 12 years younger.
Structured water can decrease inflammation by improving protein folding. Proteins are responsible for almost all the work your cells do. They provide structure, function, and regulation for most of the tissues in your body. Proteins are large, origami-like molecules: long strings that fold on top of themselves. How a protein folds determines what it does—different configurations send different messages through your cells. When cellular proteins are folding correctly, your body works well. But when they’re put under stress, proteins can misfold, becoming stuck in configurations that surrounding tissues don’t understand. Misfolded proteins cause a breakdown in cellular communication, which makes your body less efficient and, over time, can cause cell death and inflammation. Structured water binds to proteins and delivers energy in the form of electrons—snapping misfolded proteins back into place so they can do their job again. With better protein folding, you aren’t weighed down by inflammation, and you become a stronger, more efficient version of yourself.
Due to structured water molecules carrying a charge, they can deliver that structure to other water molecules upon exposure. In other words, if you mix a small amount of structured water into a jug of normal water, the structured molecules will spread and convert the entire jug into structured water within a couple minutes.
This fascinating TED talk explains the fourth phase of water/exclusion zone/structured water.
The result of structuring our water with the wand. When we wand over our body, we are doing the same to all flids in the body - the lymph, blood and spinal fluid.
When I drink my reverse osmosis filtered water and water that I had charged with the wand, the charged water feels silky and smooth in comparison.
Drinking structured water alone will de-coagulate and clean the blood, as shown here.
Drinking structured water is the most gentle way to introduce the healing frequency to the body. Begin with just drinking the water to let your body adjust to the terahertz frequency, especially if the blood is quite toxic (on medications, for example), or you are treating children or the elderly.
Drink 2 glasses of warm charged water before AND after each session.
Water molecules resonate in this range - water readily absorbs these frequencies. Your cells will be able to absorb much more hydration from the structured water. Holding the device above a glass container of water, blow directly onto the surface of the water for 2-5 minutes per gallon. Never charge water in plastic or metal containers or carbonated and refrigerated drinks. Charging your tea, natural fruit juice and water detox juices will help amplify their detoxification effects and increase nutrients.
I received my wand on 1st March 2023. I use it for 30-40 mins a day. I do the basic routine plus torso, liver, spleen, conception line (the central line of my torso where the chakras are located) and my whole face and eyes.
Hormonal balance: this month I haven't noticed any pre menstrual tension, manifesting as breast tenderness, aching joints (especially hips), severe irritability and poor sleep.
Sleep and relaxation: My sleep has improved in general since using the device. I wand over my face and eyes from my bed before I turn the light out, which I feel relaxes me into an alpha state, allowing me to fall sleep easily. If I wake in the night, I repeat and can fall back to sleep. This is due to the wands ability to regulate glands. The pineal gland produces melatonin which is targeted when I wand between my eye brows. The 'master gland' - the pituitary which produces oxytocin and vasopressin is targeted from the top of the head. The pituitary gland controls many other endocrine glands functions and secretions which affect of our body's metabolism, blood pressure and reproduction.
Muscle and skin effects: In the first week that I was using it I experienced flu like symptoms (detox symptoms) one of which for me is QL (lower back right side) pain and resulting sciatica or piriformis syndrome. I wanded my QL for a couple of minutes and the pain went away. I usually can’t shift the nerve pain when detoxing, no matter how much yoga I do. I have used it on one arm and shoulder due to an old impingement and bursitis problem. After about a weeks use I noticed the muscles in that arm are more toned, I no longer have the pinching in the soft tissue when I raise my arm or put weight on it, the skin is softer and there is less age related sagging (bingo wings) when compared to the other arm. I wanted to compare so I have also been wanding one hand and one knee and had the same effects on muscle tone and less wrinkly skin. The skin on my face and neck is also tighter. I also had a hamstring injury which was very slowly healing (multiple visits to deep and soft tissue release over two years with slow progress) but since wanding it is healing much faster. If I wand it before I stretch, there is zero pain due to the warming effect and increased blood and oxygen to the scar tissue.
Eye sight: I’ve needed 1.5 glasses for the last couple of years for reading and my eyesight has been deteriorating further at an alarming pace more recently. I’ve been using my terahertz devise for about a month and using it a lot over my eyes. I’d noticed my eyesight improving but it was hard to measure. Tonight I was reading (without my 1.5 glasses as has been the case for the past week or two), however tonight I read the footnote very easily and it’s tiny writing. So I’m sure of it now. My eyesight is back to 20/20 (pre glasses). I haven’t reached for my glasses for about a week now but wanted to be sure before I made the claim. I’ve also been putting DMSO 50/50 dilution on my face and eyelids for about 3 days.
Both applications have helped but I definitely noticed an improvement before I applied the DMSO. I would like to know the timescale for eye cells to renew. I’ve since been putting DMSO on my kids eye lids to see if it was the DMSO or the wand. No improvement yet in their eyes after at least 5 days application.
"I'm really surprised at how much fat I'm shedding with this device... every morning I get out of bed and feel like more has dropped off.I'm fitting back into clothes I thought I'd need to throw/give away.It is a deeply detoxifying device and I feel like I'm only just coming out of the detox haze after a month of use. But at the same time have felt so much lighter physically & mentally/emotionally. I don't follow any special protocols I mainly use it over my abdomen area to get deep into the organs & pelvic region and on my head & face. Yet I'm shedding the fat from all over. Amazing tool!"
"Okay some amazing results!!! Just another small testimony but a huge difference in my life. I have a string of dis-eases but this little red wand is changing my life. My last thyroid blood count was 14 needs to be under 4 and today I got my new results back.. it is 7.5 l have struggled to get it down for 2 years nothing have helped. I always drink charged water every day. I use the wand daily and on the problem areas."
"For as long as I can remember my hair has fallen out. I would leave strands of hair everywhere I went. I'd have to clear the shower drain every other day just so it wouldn't clog with my hair (not a nice task).This past year my hair has gotten so fine and whispy that is was almost unmanageable. Well I just realised that l'm not shedding hair anymore. My hair is staying in tact on my scalp. How awesome is that!
After the day of being really sore all over, I woke up yesterday feeling better than I have felt in 20 years! I had so much energy and had minimal pain. I had a work injury that ruptured discs in my lower back and neck. This injury also resulted in bursitis in my knee and floating patellar syndrome. I also have arthritis in my lower back where the discs were ruptured. I have had chronic pain that takes me out of living normally. With my new found energy and less pain, I was able to clean my house for several hours! I swept and mopped my living room, kitchen, dining room, and bathroom, cleaned my whole house. This may seem weird that I am excited about this, but just one of these chores would have hurt like crazy before. Just doing the dishes was agonizing for many years. Granted, I am a little sore this morning, but it is not bad. I have used the wand for 6 days! I feel like I can live again! I am not completely out of pain, but this is an excellent start to my healing journey. I love this wand!!!!!"
I was diagnosed with stage 3 kidney disease over 10 years ago and they have managed to stay a stage 3 to this day. I started using the wand about 6 weeks ago mainly for my kidneys to heal. About a week into doing the wand I had a scheduled nephrologist appointment. He told me my numbers had improved. I told him about the wand and what I was doing. He told me he could have me back in 3 months and he wants to see for himself if there are any improvements. Before using the wand, my stream, (urine), was getting less and less and I was getting very worried. Now my stream is stronger and for a longer time. PLUS, there's no foam/ bubbles in the toilet after I go. The foam is a sign of protien in the urine, which is bad.
I have been drinking wanded water and wanding parts of my body where I have issues. First difference is my right side of my chest. I had a left mastectomy 5 years ago and full lymph node removal. Since then I have been numb on my left side and the top of my left arm. Since wanding I can now feel all these areas. Before I would have an itch and not be able to find it due to nerve damage. Now I have full feeling. Second I have wanded my head. Hair was thin due to treatment. I now have new baby hair growing. The cellulite on my thighs seems to be much less than before. The skin seems tighter and much softer. I have cancerous tumours in my right hip. The pain and stiffness seems to have improved. No evidence on the actual tumours yet but have a scan soon. 2 years ago I could barely walk and this weekend l'm running a half marathon. Never give up. Always have hope. Making lifestyle changes with diet, exercise and self work has got me to this point as well as more recently this amazing device.
Just turned 47 and have been struggling with periods as long as I can remember. Going in menopause with the endometriosis and cysts oh and Hashimotos was a dreadful few days around my period. Been diagnosed about 5 years ago with these horrible issues. I put a testimony up about the improvement BUT this is golden!!! I started my period yesterday and yes believe this!!! No pain no mood swings no pms no sore breast no sore tummy no cravings no pimples on my face no hot flashes no not sleeping!!!What the heck!!! I am so grateful. I thought if this encourages one person it is worth it. I now only do water or drinks and 8 minutes in the morning. Used the wand everyday for 4 months I think.
I do the entire wanding routine a few times per week, and also focus on some problem areas. I was wanding my eyes on the warm setting, to help with a growth on my lower eyelid at the edge. My doctor said it could be burned off, but I said forget it. So the growth has slowly but visibly shrunk to less than half its size, in just 2 weeks of wanding. But here's where it gets better. I had laser eye surgery more than 20 years ago, and although my distance vision is better than 20/20, up close I need reading glasses. I have just upped to 2.75 diopters, having found that 2.50 no longer permitted me to read very fine print. I have another pair of much weaker readers that I use when my wife and I play Scrabble. If I had to look up a word, I switched from the 2.0 glasses to the 2.75. I no longer need to switch glasses. I've not been able to read with glasses that weak for about 6 or seven years.
My friend got a lump the size of a quarter on her breast. She said it hurt when pressing on it. She did the basic protocol and drank the wanded water. She blew on the lump for 30 minutes each day for 3 days. After 3 days the lump was reduced to the size of a bean and it was no longer painful. At her scan, the doctors said she is fine and to come back in a year for another check up. She is now a believer in the wand. (She had it for a month and didn't really believe in it until she discovered the lump and freaked out because breast cancer runs in her family (her sister got diagnosed with breast cancer and is undergoing radiation/chemo treatment). She is grateful for the wand and is asking me to order one for her sister in Germany. This is real people real story!!"
I wish I took a Before and After picture! My Irish- fair skinned husband has been a commercial fisherman and on the water for most of his life. Because of his long hours on the water and in the sun he has many spots of skin cancer. over the years most have been removed, leaving numerous scars: two small bumps remained. Very large piece of cancer removed on the back of his neck the Doctor that removed the patch of skin cancer made a horrible mess that has been there many years. Now after only 3 sessions with the wand on those areas, about 5 minutes each/ the tissue was repaired. After the 4th session- COMPLETELY healed! The scaring area has Healed!! There is one small bump of cancer cells left on his forearm- by tomorrow that too will be healed!!!! Dermatologists - Don't get our money anymore!!"
Email hello@ellieyoki.co.uk if you have any questions.
NOTE:- This is for HUMANS and all ANIMALS
ADV reviews itercare wand: Including cell membrane permeability, glial cells (glioblastoma/glioma brain tumours) and nitric oxide. More on Nitric Oxide below
Terrahertz effects on Nitric Oxide (docx)
DownloadAwakening stem cells from the bone marrow to migrate to tissues for repair and rebuilding
"We are electrical beings. We need to start thinking restoring through physics not just chemistry".
~ADV (Amanda Vollmer)