A restorative practice is accessible to all. Benefits of each position are explained at the start of long holds. Once the thinking mind has integrated this, you are left to observe the flow of your thoughts, as your mind detoxes itself.
This mental purge and relaxation is aided through an awareness of breath, connection to body and the sharing of Sanskrit mantras and age old prayers.
With a series of squeezing and soaking organs and glands, your body is supported in positions that stimulate the para-sympathetic nervous system. Allowing you to experience the states of theta brain wave frequency, while your organs soak in oxygen rich blood.
There is a plexus of parasympathetic nerves at the base of the neck and the sacrum. These nerves are stimulated in poses with jalandhara, which calms the flow of thoughts.
With the support of the sling, forward hanging poses like this are held for much longer. The spine flows from the pelvis increasing with each exhalation, decompressing vertebra and rehydrating the discs between them.
A natural stimulation of Uddiyana Bandha occurs and is engaged at length, as the thighs are lifted away from the abdomen. During Uddiyana bandha, the internal organs move back into their position of origin.
The bolster elevates the torso away from the ground, allowing the shoulders to fall away and the chest to open. The padding under the head and spine signals the nervous system to relax.
Leg stretches can be held long enough to go beyond the muscles and tendons, to the connective tissue.
Chest opening continues with the bolster throughout Savasana and lower leg support is offered to stabalise the lumbar and sacral area.
Monday 31st March 6:00-7:30pm
Tuesday 1st April 6:00-7:30pm
Wednesday 2nd April 10:30-12:00pm
£30 single drop in (or included in the course)
All equipment provided
New students: to apply fill out the medical intake form from the files section below and register your interest
21st May 2024
6:30-8:30pm £40
Monday 14th July 2025
Heart and lung opening with Ellie followed by breath-work with Katie (see bio below)
All equipment provided
New students: to apply fill out the medical intake form from the files section below and register your interest
26th March 2024
6:30-8:30pm £40
Wednesday 16th July 2025
Heart and lung opening with Ellie followed by breath-work with Katie (see bio below)
All equipment provided
New students: to apply fill out the medical intake form from the files section below and register your interest
26th March 2024
6:30-8:30pm £40
To enquire please fill in the medical intake form and email it to hello@ellieyoki.co.uk
During my initial yoga teacher training with Ruth White in 2002 I studied breathwork extensively and took my Reiki 1. Around the same time, I studied a form of Qi Gong (Thai Chi Wuxi Gong), which activated my 'dantien' energy centre. I learned to sense, and using my breath, direct energy through my body.
Spiritual practice, yoga teaching and music have maintained a constant in my life and continue to evolve. Enriched by complementary therapies such as EMF (emotional freedom technique), kinesiology and Reiki counselling, which helped me face and transcend my chosen major health challenge.
In 2017 I learned transcendental (mantra) meditation and was also initiated into the Munay-ki rites- an ancient shamanic practice. I am a practitioner of Usui Reiki 1, 2 & 3 and Sekhem 1.
Recently I have found commonality with 'spontaneous movement' in Qi Gong and Donny Epstein's 'respiratory wave' in Network Spinal. After having some profound ceremonial psilocybin experiences, I was inspired to take a course in psychedelic facilitation, including preparation and integration.
I draw upon a blend of ancient wisdom and ever evolving modern knowledge to hold a healing space for others to evolve.
Katie is a Buteyko trained breathwork instructor and founder of @cognitivebreath. She provides functional and therapeutic breathing practises to support physical and emotional health and wellbeing.
Breathwork therapy has been growing in popularity over the past decade and now has a significant amount of scientific data to support its efficacy across a range of health conditions. Katie is passionate about helping others take control of their health through better breathing practises. As well as running breathing workshops with Surrey's leading yoga instructors, Katie works with clients 1:1 to provide relief from stress and anxiety related mental health conditions and respiratory disorders.
reathwork therapy has been growing in popularity over the past decade and now has a significant amount of scientific data to support its efficacy across a range of health conditions. Katie is passionate about helping others take control of their health through better breathing practises. As well as running breathing workshops with Surrey's leading yoga instructors, Katie works with clients 1:1 to provide relief from stress and anxiety related mental health conditions and respiratory disorders.
Network Spinal is a chiropractic technique that goes beyond correcting physical misalignments. It removes nerve interference, which also removes the source of tension in the body. This is done by using light touches to different areas of the body creating connections within the brain.
Throughout the yoga offering, you are encouraged to breathe in sync with movements designed to attune the cadence, biomechanics and biochemistry of your breath to the rest and heal branch of your nervous system, restoring functional breath.
It was such a great combo - the relaxing yoga with the sound. I slept like a dream on Tuesday night ❤️
Thanks so much for last night. The evening was wonderful. I found your singing so moving and was compelled to let you know! Your voice is meant to be heard. It’s a true gift. I also think the guitar and your voice go so well together🌷
Thank you both for a lovely evening…really needed that. Thank you Katie for guiding us through…I felt incredibly calm driving home xx
Thank you for this evening @ellie yoki - I think it blew my mind!!! Just amazing. You have a wonderful voice! I invited my father and my recently passed brother who were definitely in that space with me ❤️ thank you I slept so well x
Hauntingly beautiful.
It was so beneficial, I've been raving about it. Clears the mind brilliantly! I was going to ask who was singing, it was beautiful xx
It was lovely!! Slept like a log! Great singing Ellie!
Thank you Ellie, so chilled xxx
Beautiful Gayatri Mantra x