1st class FREE
Saturday 23rd November £125
(£150 to stay the night)
A space for feelings to surface
To bring the shadow into the light
12:00 - arrivals
12:15 - preparation session (including yoga)
13:00 - ceremony opens, journey begins
16:00 - sharing circle
17:00 - ceremony closes
17:15 - vegetarian meal
19:00 - farewells
please bring: blanket, socks, eye mask, note pad
optional: your own yoga mat
the option to stay the night is available for £25
26th March 2024
6:30-8:30pm £40
Sunday 24th October
in person or online
open to ceremony participants only
the real transformation is in the preparation and integration.
take advantage of the 72 hour window of heightened neuroplasticity following the medicine session with a review of your experience.
The full window stays open for three weeks!
26th March 2024
6:30-8:30pm £40
We all have trauma...
The Adverse Childhood Events (ACEs) Study surveyed almost 17,500 adults. They assessed whether under the age of 18 (the developmental period) people had experienced:
Parents separating or divorce
Physical, sexual, or emotional abuse
Physical or emotional neglect
Domestic violence
Mental illness in the family
Substance abuse
Incarceration of a related family member
The researchers did not create an exhaustive list of the types of developmental trauma, like bullying and narcissistic abuse or ancestrally inherited trauma.
"The ACE study was a superficial study done on a very large sample but it misses the subtlety of what really happened to people, it's just the tip of the iceberg..."
Kaiser Permaente
"Traumatic events of the earliest years... are not lost but, like a child's footprints in wet cement, are often preserved lifelong. Time does not heal the wounds ... time conceals them. They are not lost; they are embodied." Vince Felitti, MD Head ACEs Study Researcher
The intellectual process of talk therapy (including CBT) doesn’t work for developmental trauma because it requires a shift in frequency to change the energy field. Love and self-love is an ENERGY that is communicated non-verbally, it is not solved by the intellect.
Somatic Therapies don't work for either - they are designed to reset the nervous system response to the memory of a one-off traumatic event.
In the healing process, repressed emotions and dissociated aspects safely come back and are felt to some degree before being released.
Click the link below to start healing your energy field with an encoded mediation.
All trauma is linked. Developmental trauma predisposes you to develop PTSD in adulthood.
PTSD from trauma is a diagnosable mental health condition. One of the official first line treatments for PTSD trauma is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. EMDR is widely available.
Epigenetics evidences that what our ancestors went through has an affect on our genetic make up in childhood, which effects our ability to deal with stress as an adult. Third generation survivors of the holocaust have the same physiological and psychological symptoms as their grandparents who were in the war.
This is additional trauma to heal as part of the back log of unhealed baggage belonging to the human family.
Dr Gabor Mate
To enquire please fill in the medical intake form and email it to hello@ellieyoki.co.uk
Soma means body, somatic resourcing means to discover your own set of skills that can be referenced in a therapeutic container or plant medicine ceremony. If you practice yoga, breath-work, mediation and are generally used to connecting and feeling your body, you are highly unlikely to become anxious, disorientated or overwhelmed.
Plant spirit medicines , such as cacao, psilocybin and hape/rape (shamanic snuff); and synthetic psychedelics, such as MDMA and ketamine are being used therapeutically for mental health conditions. Evidence shows they are more effective and with less side effects than pharmaceutical drugs, but they are not suitable for everyone.
They are also being used outside clinical use for emotional and spiritual evolution in a ceremonial setting.
Psychedelic substances are used in therapy as a means to open the heart and create neuroplasticity - the ability of neural networks in the brain to change through growth and reorganization of synapses in the brain.
"Classic psychedelics are thought to catalyze a period of accelerated neuronal growth, enhancing the brain's capacity for neuroplastic changes" - nature.com
Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to form new connections and pathways and change how its circuits are wired; neurogenesis is the even more amazing ability of the brain to grow new neurons (Bergland, 2017).
Plant medicines create neuroplasticity and neurogenesis, offering the potential to break old patterns of thought and behaviour. Although this can last for two weeks, the transformational affects of a ceremony can be made accessible for a lifetime through the support of community.
During my initial yoga teacher training with Ruth White in 2002 I studied breathwork extensively and took my Reiki 1. Around the same time, I studied a form of Qi Gong (Thai Chi Wuxi Gong), which activated my 'dantien' energy centre. I learned to sense, and using my breath, direct energy through my body.
Spiritual practice, yoga teaching and music have maintained a constant in my life and continue to evolve. Enriched by complementary therapies such as EMF (emotional freedom technique), kinesiology and Reiki counselling, which helped me face and transcend my chosen major health challenge.
In 2017 I learned transcendental (mantra) meditation to help me cope with going through chemo and was also initiated into the Munay-ki rites. Detailed below are some of the healing modalities that I have since trained in or experienced.
I completed Usui Reiki 1 in 2005 and went on to study Reiki 2 and Reiki Master with Judith Cobby, a shaman and Reiki Master.
Reiki and Sekeim are powerful healing modalities, where hands are either placed on or just above areas of the head, face and body, usually long the chakras. Reiki and sekeim are just two of many different frequencies that can be channelled through an attuned practitioner. The 'receiver' will only heal what they are ready to accept
I studied Qi Gong with late, great Paul Brewer (pictured above) for many years, which helped me to establish a connection with 'earth force' and 'spontaneous movement' - a self healing practise where the body vibrates energetically and opens keys in the spine, enabling a clearing of 'bin chi' (sick energy) to travel out through the hands.
The Munay Ki Rites are a series of nine energetic transmissions, originating from shamans in Peru, designed to awaken the seer within, heal the wounds of the past, and transform the luminous energy field. These rites are not ego-awards or recognition of achievement, but rather a path to assume stewardship for all creation.
Judith initiated me into the Munay-Ki rites in 2017.
Damien Wynne offers teaching courses, one of which I completed, as well as many free meditations. Damien work includes subconscious fields, energetic DNA repair and ancestral trauma release.
I was drawn to the ancient Egyptian culture after reading Jason Breshears books and the Ra channellings and went on to complete Sekhem 1 in 2022 with Gillie Jones. Sekhem is a powerful ancient Egyptian form of healing, similar to Reiki.
Working with plant medicine has had a profound affect on me. The plant medicine brings up emotions from the subconscious to be healed. Nothing will be brought up that the participant is not ready for or has the capacity to heal. Thanks to joining the ascension school, I now understand that the geometry one experiences on a journey is a transmission of love, which itself contains healing codes
I completed this course in 2024 to assist me in facilitating plant medicine ceremonies
This year (2024) I am working with ascension coach, Niki Skye to activate and integrate energetic DNA.
“My life’s work as an Spiritual Teacher and Personal Development Coach is to create a unique, powerful heart-centered healing community for people who are committed to spiritual growth, personal development, and reaching their full potential in this lifetime while inspiring others to do the same, demonstrating that it is possible to be successful, awake, happy and fulfilled, no matter what the personal history or circumstances.
Niki offers a free ascension course that I would highly recommend
Suzette Lue Chi, is my local Network Spinal practitioner (an epienergetic application). Suzette trained with the developer of the technique, Donny Epstein, who has now phased out of teaching. Like Donny, Suzy works intuitively on your spine and energy field. She has achieved the highest levels of training in Network Spinal including 2 years of Master E.
NSA has opened Suzette up to many unique healing experiences. She sees the spine and nervous system as the window to a person’s healing physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The body has its own infinite wisdom and intelligence and it needs to have a congruent nervous system access it. The nervous system is the receptor for human growth and consciousness and when clear, people can increase their vibration to live more enriched, conscious, connected and empowered lives.
Click the button below to learn more from Donny's Epienergetics website