1st class FREE
Every 29.5 days a seed is born from the solar plexus, as part of a sacred biorhythm. The preservation of this seed is known as internal alchemy, raising the chrism, preserving the Christos or raising the kundalini. It is the act of raising an essence or 'oil' up through the energy channel in the spine to the brain, where internal DMT is produced, resulting in an enlightened state of consciousness. This ancient occult knowledge is now being revealed at this auspicious time of accelerated ascension (over the next 10 years until 2035).
We each have 150ml of CSF in our brains, which is renewed 3-4 times day. CSF is the fluid in which the sacred "seed" is born, strengthened and resurrected. The CSF fills the space in the brain called the 3rd ventricle, which lies in the centre of the brain, in line with the space between the eye brows and the tops of the ears. The pituitary is at the front of this ventricle and the pineal at the back, both glands contact the 3rd ventricle. The thymus makes up the roof of this cavity, also termed the 'cave of brahma' and 'the crystal palace'. We also have tiny crystals inside our pineal gland. DMT (dimethyltryptamine) also known as 'the god molecule' is synthesised in the pineal gland.
Cerebrospinal fluid flows from the lateral ventricles, to the third ventricle, and then to the fourth ventricle before leaving the brain and entering the central canal of the spinal cord or into the subarachnoid space.
Kundalini yoga traditions describe the shushmna as a hollow canal n the centre of the spinal column where kundalini (our primordial energy) rises to the 3rd (solar plexus) chakra then the 7th (crown) chakra where an awakening occurs.
Every breath we take pumps the CSF (the inbreath compresses the sacral pump). A daily practise of breathwork (done correctly) strengthens the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles, increases the lung capacity and helps keep pineal and pituitary glands secreting their hormones.
When we move and breathe, CSF is pumped inside the spine and brain like a brain-washing fluid. The practice of yoga employs breathing, movement, and spinal flexibility—all of which directly impact CSF flow and healthy brain lymphatic drainage.
Find your star sign on the chart below and start observing your rest period 2 days before the moon goes void, just before it enters your sign. The moon stays in your sign for 2.5 days. This is the point when the consumption of alcohol can ruin the delicate compounds of your oil and you should abstain from alcohol and ejaculation and follow an alkaline diet. Alcohol inhibits the release of vasopressin and acid splits the oil. Vasopressin and oxytocin heighten feelings of trust, peace and empathy - the qualities that open us to higher states of consciousness/commune with source of creation.
2024 Void of course (pdf)
DownloadWhen the heads of two serpents (the male and female energies) meet at the brow chakra, pingala (male) strikes the pineal gland, Ida (female) strikes the pituitary gland and Shushumna (central channel) strikes the thalamus and "all is gathered and made whole once again". The wings represent liberation of the ego as it merges back to its source the creator of all things.
This represents brain anatomy. The Egyptians knew how to raise Christ consciousness.
The crown chakra is blocked by ego attachment. The brow chakra is where we sacrifice the ego or the eye/I, to unite with Creation at the crown.
The sacrifice of the ego means to integrate duality within ourselves. Another term for preserving the Sacred Secretion is "divine conception" which means to unify the solar and lunar germs in a purified body.
Ego creates the illusion of separation. The 3rd eye chakra is blocked by illusion. Separation manifests as good and evil, likes and dislikes etc. To integrate these dualities, we must recognise that they are simply two poles of one entity. Dualities create the contrast needed to reveal the opposing element. Once revealed to us, we can then integrate both polarities in our hearts (eyes of the heart/eagle). It requires us to see the truth (3rd eye), to admit the truth to ourselves (throat) and let go of the betrayal/grief/grievance (heart chakra) in accordance with Law Of One.
Pineal gland
Pituitary gland
These cell or mineral salts are said to flow within the CSF. The salts effect the bloods vibration in resonance with the zodiac signs.
Here is a recipe to make your own solution containing all 12 mineral salts called 'sole' meaning 'liquid light energy'. As salt water is a conductor of electricity, this solution supports your solar/electric stream
KALI PHOS: Potassium, Phosphate
FOUND IN: White beans, cucumbers, almonds, hazelnuts, lentils, avocados.
NAT SULPH: Sodium Sulphate
FOUND IN: Lentils, spinach, peppers, paprika, pumpkins, celery, leeks, spring onions.
KALI MUR: Potassium Chloride
FOUND IN: Cucumber, hazelnuts, lentils, spinach, sesame seeds, potatoes, carrots, apples.
CALC FLUOR: Fluoride of Lime
FOUND IN: Raw vegetables, spinach, sesame seeds, broccoli, mushrooms, squash, pineapples.
MAG PHOS: Magnesium phosphate
FOUND IN: Brazil nuts, white beans, walnuts, peas, bananas, plums, limes, gooseberries.
KALI SULPH: Potassium Sulphate
FOUND IN: Hazelnuts, almonds, lentils, peas, lettuce, flax seeds, lemons
NAT PHOS: Sodium Phosphate
FOUND IN: Lentils, asparagus, rose hips, olives, carrots, basil, mint, peaches.
CALC SULPH: Calcium Sulphate
FOUND IN: Almonds, cucumbers, lentils, cauliflower, leeks, onions, turnips, brussel-sprouts.
FOUND IN: Cucumbers, peas, carrots, strawberries, parsley, cabbage, nettles, apricots.
CALC PHOS: Lime Phosphate
FOUND IN: Almonds, cucumber, white beans, dandelions, cherries, dates
NAT MUR: Sodium Chlorine
FOUND IN: Red beets, radishes, tomatoes, celery, figs, pecans, oregano, sauerkraut.
FERRUM PHOS: Iron Phosphate
FOUND IN: Spinach, hazelnuts, sesame seeds, tomatoes, blueberries, currants, garlic.
I created a telegram channel dedicated to Sacred Secretion: https://t.me/+XR8JlGrJVX1kZTZk or search for 'sacred secretion'
I also have uploaded videos of the sessions on my YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@ellieyoki
With Sontas Bonacci and Jim Carey
3 minute video
🌟 Chakra unblocking & assertions 🌬️ Uddiyana bandha 💨 Samavrtti pranayama 💫 Micro cosmic visualisation 🧘 Mantra mediation ‘SAT NAM’ 🤤 Deep alpha state relaxation
“Therefore I say such a person, once integrated will be full of light, once divided will be full of darkness” Thomas Logia 61 “If thyne eye be single, your whole body will be full of light” Matthew 6:22 The story goes that Horus lost his left eye (left eye represents the moon, right eye the sun) in a battle with his uncle Set. Thoth magically restored the eye which became a symbol of health or 'making whole'.
Mother Earth has a north and south pole which create a magnetic or toroidal field. The Macrocosm is reflected in the microcosm (so within as without) of our body and cells, which also have north and south poles and magnetic fields. Sometimes we are knocked off alignment with our poles and thus are no longer in alignment with the magnetic field of Gaia.
When this happens it is like two magnets that have been pressed together, closing the space between our cells and our central channel (shushmna) and chakras close and become unbalanced. This manifests as density in the field or body, or low frequencies.
The five fused vertebrae of the sacrum represent the five senses. If we only perceive the world though these five senses, our consciousness remains bound to the material world and stuck at the sacral chakra.
Hence we may aspire to ascend our consciousness (and our 'seed') beyond this chakra, which also seeks pleasure and would therefore be subject to its polar opposite pain.
Yoga is an ancient art with many parallels to new discoveries about the role of CSF and much wisdom to bolster our understanding in preserving our seed. Bandha means seal or lock:
In the Taoist tradition, the sacred secretion is called the micro cosmic orbit. The breath and mind are used to direct energy through 'gateways'. For more information, see Anaya Science Witch's work: https://www.anayasciencewitch.com/sacredsecretiononlinecourse
Anaya also has youtube videos, courses and books that contain excellent information.